The Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative (GSEII) was founded in 2000 to support those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change: Small Island Developing States. Our consortium of international NGOs and multilateral institutions now works with nine island states across the world on diverse projects. GSEII sees opportunity on these islands, now threatened by rising sea levels, coastal erosion, salinization, and extreme weather events. The consortium works to increase renewable energy and energy efficiency, and facilitate the transition away from fossil fuels to benefit the islands’ economies and the environment.

“We need political will, vision and leadership, and out-of-the-box thinking. SIDS, Small Islands Developing States, spends 25% of their foreign exchange on importing fossil fuels. Energy independence of SIDS by utilizing renewable resources is the shortest path to their economic development, which will in turn reduce vulnerabilities, enhance capacity to adapt, and develop resilience to the other challenges they are confronting. In addition, SIDS can serve as models and examples for bigger nations…”

Nasir Khattak, Vice President of the Climate Institute, during a speech he made on GSEII to the United Nations General Assembly

For more information on the Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative, please contact

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