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Philip L. Johnson

Board Chairman

Acting President and CEO, Climate Institute

President and CEO, Sustainable Solutions Technologies, LLC

Michele Fetting

Vice Chair

Director of Marketing, Carbon Market Exchange, Ltd.

Thomas Gale


Trustee, Thomas H. and Barbara W. Gale Foundation 

Proprietor, Eversley Farm in Centreville, Maryland

Marilyn Lord


Educator, Kimball Union Academy


Board Members

Nasir Khattak

CEO, Microtron Technologies, Inc.

Vice President, Climate Institute

Katie Glance

President, Center for Environmental Leadership Training

Former Topping Intern

Recipient of the John Topping Jr. Climate Initiative Award

Charles Bayless

Chair, Arctic Climate Action Registry

Former President, West Virginia University Institute of Technology

Robert Corell

Chair, Climate Action Initiative

Principal, Global Environment and Technology Foundation

Former Chair, Arctic Climate Impact Assessment 

Cecile Guidote-Alvarez

Director, Earthsavers DREAMS Ensemble / UNESCO Artist for Peace

Joel Michael

Founder, Circularity Global


Phil Johnson

Acting President and CEO

Nasir Khattak

Vice President

Walter Vergara

Vice President, Latin America Programs

Michele Fetting

Chief Communications Officer

Michael MacCracken, PhD.

Chief Scientist

Rashid Iqbal

Director of Finance

Dr. Slobodan Petrovic

Director, Emerging Technologies

Board Members Emeritus

Linda Brown
Joseph A. Cannon
Thomas R. Casten
Devra Davis
Bert Kerstetter
Stephen Leatherman
Michael McCracken
John Noel III
Paul Prichard
Oriana Tickell de Castello

Board Members In Memoriam​

In memory of our fellow board members.
John Topping
Samuel Sherer
Sir Crispin Tickell
Noel Brown
Heherson Alvarez